Friday, November 2, 2012

WANTED: US President Position

Resumes to be Reviewed in 2016

What if applications for the US President’s position had to go through a Human Resource department instead of being elected by the people? As we know, a US president is elected into office by our popular and electoral votes. But what if one day that ritual is changed? What if the United States Officials decide that the office of the president is too important and should no longer be decided by its citizens? What if every four years, all candidates have to apply for the position like any other job and then be offered the position by a QUALIFIED, bipartisan Human Resource Panel?

Now, you have to be thinking this is certainly no longer a democracy I’m talking about and you’d be right! It may sound like socialism, but it’s not. The closest form of government supporting my theory is a “Corporate Republic” which I found in Wikipedia.  According to this source, a corporate republic is only a theoretical form of government, which currently exists only in fiction. Interestingly, corporate republics in these fictional scenarios, “usually arise when a single, vastly powerful corporation deposes [overthrows] a weak government, over time or in a coup d’etat.” That in itself sounds like Big Business taking over a weak nation and certainly doesn’t bode well for Americans born and raised in a democracy that we cherish. In fact, it sounds like insurrection. However, my idea is not to upset our democracy, but rather to add another facet to the hiring process of such an important position—dare I say—the most important position in the USA.

Just to indulge my curiosity further for a moment, let’s say we are still exercising our democracy by voting for this qualified Human Resource Panel of say, 8 people. Each of them is a natural born US citizen, has the highest business acumen, esteemed character, ivy leaguers, and proven records to substantiate their reputations… and of course, they must be bipartisan.

Knowing how some Human Resource departments operate, I can only imagine the position of the US presidency would be scrutinized to the hilt and candidates grilled relentlessly in the interview process. To my knowledge, the only interview process we currently have for presidential hopefuls is listening to debates. History shows that candidates are allowed to use any means necessary to degrade their opponent in order to influence votes for themselves while campaigning. We know this as “mudslinging.” Many people would rather not vote at all because they are leery of politicians in general and fear their political “claptrap” (my favorite word in politics), and their empty promises. Others feel their vote is insignificant or that they should leave voting up to the folks who very well educated about the political issues at hand. Not to mention the illegals trying to vote, the electoral college’s existence, the disenfranchised, rigged polls, miscounts, the biased media, etc.

This in mind, I feel the office of the president is just too important not to be scrutinized more judiciously. I feel a president’s qualifications should be fully investigated and perhaps even followed up with drug testing. After all, don’t we have to run through the same battery of tests in order to get a much “lesser” job?

Back to reality. Since the process of hiring a president is unlike what most of us face in order to obtain jobs, we must abide by the current system, but keep in mind typical interview questions when deciding for whom you will cast your vote. Either way, we are the ones hiring our president. We are the boss. HE WORKS FOR US.

Read this!
by Geri Zabela Eddin




Thursday, October 25, 2012

Scarier Than Halloween! Aaaahhh!

Here's something worth watching. Got this in my email this morning from my uncle. Scares the dickens out of me!

 If you watch nothing else today... please watch this short illustration lesson.
This is a non-partisan video produced by an accountant, Hal Mason, retired
after 27 years with IBM. He looks at the budget, its revenues and expenses,
and very simply illustrates the problem. Amazingly, we get all the media
talking heads blathering and shouting for hours and never get clarity.
This guy does it in a couple minutes.

Click below to view the video.  


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

After watching the Presidential debate this past Tuesday between hopeful Mitt Romney and incumbent, President Obama, I thought the very first question posed by Jeremy Epstein was a good opener. Twenty-year-old Jeremy asked, “Mr. President, Governor Romney, as a 20-year-old college student, all I hear from professors, neighbors and others is that when I graduate, I will have little chance to get employment. What can you say to reassure me, but more importantly my parents, that I will be able to sufficiently support myself after I graduate?”

Mitt Romney, being the first to answer, responded by citing an example of a Pennsylvania graduate’s dilemma of not only working 3 part-time jobs, can’t pay her college loans back and barely affords to live on her own. Romney knows this nationwide problem all too well, as does President Obama. Romney’s solution to this problem is to first, make college more affordable to students, and second, to grow the economy again so that college students will have confidence in finding jobs after graduation. Romney emphatically stated, “…So more debt and less jobs. I'm going to change that. I know what it takes to create good jobs again. I know what it takes to make sure that you have the kind of opportunity you deserve. And kids across this country are going to recognize, we're bringing back an economy.”

Cartoon by Bryant Arnold*

President Obama echoed Governor Romney’s initial sentiments by adding, “Jeremy, first of all, your future is bright. And the fact that you're making an investment in higher education is critical. Not just to you, but to the entire nation. Now, the most important thing we can do is to make sure that we are creating jobs in this country. But not just jobs, good-paying jobs. Ones that can support a family.” The President continued by adding that he wants to see everyone get a great education and his administration has “worked hard to make sure that student loans are available for folks like you,” but he continued, “…I also wants to make sure that community colleges are offering slots for workers to get retrained for the jobs that are out there right now and the jobs of the future.”

We all know that the unemployment rate is at an all-time high with 23 million struggling to find work. Mitt Romney proposes a “five-point” plan that he feels strongly will grow the economy again. President Obama was quick to dismiss Romney’s five-point plan, relabeling it a “one-point” plan, stating, “…and that plan is to make sure that folks at the top play by a different set of rules.”
In my view, a lot rides on the winner being true to his promises to grow this economy again so that not only will we see more jobs available for graduates and the unemployed, but that employers who were once proud to hire, promote, give substantial raises and bonuses, will be able resume those incentives, without hurting their businesses. In turn, this will retain employees and boost morale.
I’m grateful to have a job in this economy. It seems the new definition of a raise or a bonus is that you get to keep your job. However, I remain ever-hopeful—as has always been the American way—that our leaders in power will live true to their promises. If they do, we will see better times ahead. That’s why I believe this election is crucial and the pinnacle that will turn this nation around for the good - choosing the right candidate, or the bad - choosing the wrong candidate. As conscientious voters, one false move and we will find ourselves in such turmoil, that many of us may resort to leaving the United States altogether.

The future of employee engagement and talent retention becomes an even greater challenge should the wrong candidate win the election and continue to cripple our nation with more debt and deceit.
Finally, I want to conclude by saying I'm hoping the American people are smart enough to select a candidate given his or her proven credentials and not on physical attractiveness or pompous personality. WE WANT RESULTS! Not age-old political claptrap.